As of January 7, 2025, the availability of the following channels will change:
Puls 4, ATV, ATV 2, Puls 24, ProSieben, SAT.1, Kabel Eins, sixx, ProSieben MAXX, SAT.1 Gold, Kabel Eins Doku, SAT.1 Emotions, Kabel Eins classics, and ProSieben Fun.
What stays the same?
Via satellite: With the exception of SAT.1 Emotions and Kabel Eins classics, all channels will remain available as usual.
What is changing?
Streaming availability: The aforementioned channels will only be available on the following devices:
All supported Smart TVs and sticks (Samsung, LG, Sony, Panasonic, Android TV, Fire TV, etc.)
Set-top boxes such as MZ-101, MZ-102, or the A1 Xplore Box