Amanda puts a radio collar on one of the first cheetah cubs born in Malawi in twenty years and the team struggles to give a 4-meter python a physical. See a group of tourists deliver a rambunctious baby monkey they rescued from the pet trade.
Join Amanda on a white knuckle bush-whacking adventure to rescue a waterbuck caught by a poacher's snare. Meanwhile, the centre's resident hyena is treated for flea bitten ears and Alma gets a mysterious late night monkey delivery.
See Amanda and Sophie push boundaries to get a vervet monkey with a broken leg back into the wild, the team is challenged when collaring a four tonne elephant. Alma receives an orphaned, cat-like genet and an antisocial baboon rejoins a troop.
Join the rescue as Amanda and Mandy try every trick in the book to help a snared hyena, a lion threatens a village, and the team's plan to release a troop of 13 monkeys is thwarted by last minute surgery and some crafty escape artists.